(Steve Kang) and Hancom Inc. (Sang-Chul Kim) made an agreement on the 8th
of April for a partnership to jointly develop software industry. After the
ceremony, a TFT (Task Force Team) for industry-university collaboration was
established and a seminar to discuss cooperative projects ensued.
Hancom Inc. agreed to cooperate in three main areas at the seminar. They
included enhancing manpower in the Korean software industry, the technical
development of software applications, and creating a business model for the
expansion of the Korean software market globally.
president Steve Kang said, "Noteworthy research achievements will result
from this great partnership with Hancom Inc. I believe this alliance will play an
important role in the development of Korean software industry."
combination of KAIST's excellent talents and Hancom's software know-hows will produce market-winning results. We hope that mutual developments from the
two organizations through this practical industry-university collaboration will inspire many software companies to follow suit,” said Sang-Chul Kim, the president of Hancom