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CaringSupport Servics for Students with Disabilities

Customized Support for Students with Disabilities

Conduct individual consultations with students with disabilities at least once per semester to identify support needs and establish customized plans

  • Support for textbooks : Provide PowerPoint and PDF lecture materials in electronic text format upon request for students with severe visual or hearing impairments
  • Provision of lecture notes and recordings : Downloadable electronic files
  • Screen magnification support
  • Provision of subtitles, lecture scripts, and lecture summaries

Support for Educational Activities

Support the costs of educational support personnel to help them provide learning and convenience support, which is aimed at enabling students with severe disabilities to attend classes and participate in campus activities smoothly

※ When students with disabilities participate in external activities such as conferences and seminars, provide travel expenses for educational support personnel.

Support for the Purchase of Assistive Devices

  • Budget support for the purchase of assistive devices that help students with disabilities in their daily lives

Support for Convenience Facilities

  • Assignment of single rooms in dormitory
  • Rental of euipment (electric/manual wheelchairs, etc.)
  • Special Examination Arrangements for Different Types of Disabilities
    • Grades 1-3 brain lesion : Extension of exam time within 1.5 times the original duration
    • Hearing impairment : Replacement of listening exams with written exams
    • Grade 1 visual impairment : Extension of exam time by 1.5~2 times the original duration, and provision of enlarged print question papers
  • Change of mandatory physical education requirements : In the case of students with disabilities, exemption from or substitution of physical education requirements with alternative activities, etc. are possible with the confirmation of the physical education instructor and the approval of the Curriculum Deliberation Committee.